Guerrero named associate vice provost for inclusive excellence
Todd MordhorstThe Office of the Provost is pleased to introduce Lisa Guerrero as WSU’s associate vice provost for inclusive excellence.
Guerrero has been an active advocate for diversity and inclusion since joining the WSU faculty in 2004. She is currently a professor of comparative ethnic studies in WSU’s School of Languages, Cultures, and Race. She will maintain her faculty position, while serving as associate vice provost in a half-time appointment.“We’re excited to have Dr. Guerrero leading our efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion in academic affairs at WSU,” said Elizabeth Chilton, provost and executive vice president. “Lisa brings outstanding professional experience and institutional knowledge to this position and will be a terrific partner for our colleagues across the WSU system.”
Guerrero will provide leadership to academic affairs in implementing WSU’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. She will help to identify and implement best practices and evidence-based approaches in faculty hiring, tenure and promotion, research support, faculty retention, teaching and mentoring, and curriculum planning. One of her first areas of responsibility will be to oversee the Racism and Social Inequality in the Americas faculty cluster hire program for Fall 2021. Guerrero will also collaborate with faculty and staff systemwide, coordinating efforts across the system, including the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Compliance and Civil Rights, Institutional Research, the faculty senate, and campus leadership.
“For this position we wanted an active, informed, collaborative, engaged planner and facilitator with strong leadership skills,” said Laura Griner Hill, senior vice provost. “Dr. Guerrero brings all these skills as well as a breadth of experience with student and faculty development across the system. We are delighted Lisa will be joining our office and excited to begin working with her.”
Guerrero earned her Ph.D. in Literature from UC Santa Cruz and her BA in black studies and English from UC Santa Barbara. Guerrero is a scholar of ethnic studies, and her research, teaching, and numerous publications focus on race in literature and in the media. She has served in several roles at WSU, including director of the graduate program in American studies from 2012-17, and the chair of UCORE from 2013-2018. In addition to her position as professor in comparative ethnic studies, Guerrero is also an affiliate faculty member in cultural studies and social thought in the College of Education.
Guerrero will begin in her new role on December 16.