Award For Excellence in Teaching a Large Class

Nominations for the current award cycle will open Oct. 1, 2024 and are due Mar. 25, 2025. See link to online application form below. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • Must be a current full-time WSU faculty member at the rank of Lecturer or above at time of application.
  • Nominees will demonstrate sustained instructional excellence in a large class over a minimum of three semesters, with attention to the following:
    • Successful strategies to promote Inclusivity, diversity, equity and/or access
    • Successful strategies for active learning
    • Consistent record of positive student evaluations
  • Teaching Academy members are not eligible for nomination.
  • Please submit an nomination for one large class. If you teach multiple large classes, please submit separate nominations.


The awardee agrees to present at a relevant WSU teaching event within two years following the award.


Awardee will receive $500, accompanied by an award plaque.

Application & Review Process

  • Timing: Nominations will open Oct. 1, 2024 and are due Mar. 21, 2025.
  • Applying: Complete the nomination form and click “submit.”  *Submitting the nomination form indicates that you have read the above Criteria for Eligibility and agree to them.
  • What to expect: Information solicited in the online nomination form:
    • Nominee contact and WSU demographic information.
    • Course prefix/number, name, semester(s), location, and # of enrolled students.
    • Two 250-word reflections on: 1) Successful strategies to promote Inclusivity, diversity, equity and/or access, and 2) Successful strategies for active learning.
    • A recent syllabus for the course.
    • At least three semesters of student evaluations for the course in question. Evaluations should include student comments.
    • Optional: One additional reference, set of evaluations, peer observation, or other documentation.