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Washington State University
Washington State University Office of the Provost

PoliciesBenefits of AI

AI is quickly becoming a transformational force in higher education. By integrating AI systems such as ChatGPT into the university environment, we can reshape the educational and research landscape, fostering a more personalized and dynamic experience for both students and faculty.

Student Perspective

From a student’s standpoint, the introduction of AI in their academic journey offers many advantages.

  1. Personalized Learning: AI-based educational tools can provide students with a tailored learning experience. AI can adapt to individual learning approaches, pace, and progress, providing customized feedback, recommendations, and resources.
  2. Efficient Study Tools: AI, like ChatGPT, can serve as an intelligent tutor if used within the appropriate scope. It can assist in learning new concepts, exploring topics, revising content, or even practicing problem-solving skills. Used in combination with developing a student’s ability to critically evaluate output, AI can strengthen learning.
  3. Career Guidance: AI tools can analyze data and predict trends, helping students make informed decisions about their career paths and future job markets. This is especially helpful when used in conjunction with academic advising.
  4. Free/low cost academic support: AI can reduce financial barriers faced by students in their pursuit of education and research. By offering no or low-cost research assistance and editing, generative AI, if used ethically and effectively, increases access to support tools that previously were pay-for-service options.

Faculty Perspective

Faculty can also benefit from AI integration into educational spaces. Although generative AI is in its infancy, potential benefits from its incorporation can be envisioned in many educational settings. An important consideration will be making sure that humans stay in the loop in the implementation and introduction of AI in educational settings. The US Department of Education has identified several potential benefits for instructors, including:

  1. Automated Administrative Tasks and Increased Productivity: Generative AI will likely boost the productivity of researchers and employees since it can perform routine tasks and thus automate routine work. According to McKinsey, half of today’s work activities may be automated as early as 2030. AI may be able to assist in grading assignments, tracking student progress, and managing class schedules, significantly reducing administrative workload, and allowing more time for interaction with students.
  2. Better Student Assessment: As AI continues to improve, it may eventually provide detailed analytics on each student’s strengths and weaknesses, helping educators understand where a student might be struggling and to tailor their teaching accordingly.
  3. New forms of learning: AI is expected to create engaging, interactive learning environments and simulations that can aid in teaching complex concepts.  It will be especially beneficial if these environments are built to enhance the strengths of individual learners while retaining critical aspects of social learning.
  4. Continual Learning: AI itself is becoming a vast field of study. Faculty can use AI tools as a part of their research, opening new possibilities for investigation, and contributing to the advancement of the field.

When used judiciously, and with the acknowledgement that current AI still lacks nuance based on differences in race, class, gender and other socio-economic factors, AI in the university setting augments our capabilities, making the educational process more efficient, engaging, and personalized. As we continue to explore and integrate AI technologies like ChatGPT into our university life, we are paving the way for a more enriched and comprehensive learning and teaching experience.