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Washington State University
Washington State University Office of the Provost


Facility space assignment determines which university entity coordinates and manages the use of teaching spaces. The individual room assignment may be at the university level for general use spaces or at the college level for discipline-specific spaces. A scheduled-spaces chart depicts this visually.

General University Classrooms

The 134 General University Classrooms (GUCs) in Pullman are located in 29 buildings across campus. Coordination includes equipping, furnishing, renovating, short- and long-range planning, and state reporting of classroom usage. It also includes responding to classroom issues that cannot be resolved as routine service calls.

Departmental Classrooms and Labs

In contrast to GUCs, individual colleges do the coordinating, furnishing, and scheduling of assigned spaces designated as departmental classrooms and teaching laboratories. Some of these spaces are highly specialized for a specific discipline and often not available for scheduling outside the department or college. There are 82 departmental classrooms of which 57 rooms are associated with credit-bearing courses. There are 151 teaching laboratories of which 109 were reported with student lab hours.

Contact each college for information on use of college-assigned spaces.


  • Each WSU campus does the same type of coordinating for the teaching spaces at their respective sites.
  • Contact the campus for information or scheduling options.
  • To view current room use and availability at each WSU campus: