Faculty Career and Advancement
The following university required trainings for all employees can be found on the Human Resources Services website.
- Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct Prevention – Annual Training (Required Annually after initial completion)
- Hazing Prevention Training (Required Annually after initial completion)
- Ethics in Public Service (Required Annually after initial completion)
- ITS – Cyber Security Awareness Training (Required Annually after initial completion)
- Safety Training for WSU Employees – Part 1 (Required Once for all Employees)
- Safety Training for WSU Employees – Part 2 (Required Once for all Employees)
If you have questions regarding the required university trainings, please contact HRS.Training@wsu.edu.
A series of workshops are held each year to help new department chairs and school directors to understand their jobs. The workshop covers general leadership issues along with specific Washington State University policies. The workshops are mandatory for new chairs and directors. They are also open to experienced chairs who need help on a particular issue and to other faculty members who may be interested in pursuing leadership opportunities in the future. The current list of workshop topics is given below:
- Advancing faculty at WSU
- Fresh in their minds
- We’re all data nerds: what information is out there, where, and how to use it
- Making the hard decisions (part 1): Ethics, academic freedom, and free speech
- Fostering an inclusive university
- Making the hard decisions (part 2): Dealing with difficult personnel issues
- From colleague to “boss”
- Faculty annual review process
- Faculty development
- Promoting effective teaching
- Advancing research in your unit
- Keeping it together
- The cruelest month: Review before summer
- Planning for an uncertain fall
A detailed schedule for the Department Chairs and Directors Workshop Series is published each summer.
Please contact the Provost’s Office at provosts.office@wsu.edu.