Transformational Change Initiative
Drive to 25
Transformational Change and the Drive to 25
The Transformational Change Initiative has several desired long-term outcomes, all of which align with Washington State University’s Drive to 25. Below we describe how our efforts map to the Drive to 25 goals.
6-Year Graduation Rate (retention metric)
Multiple components of our intervention target these factors (i.e., Parent-Student Handbook; LIFT Faculty Fellow Development Program). Therefore, a secondary research focus is to examine whether specific intervention components affect these know intermediary mechanisms of student success.
Percentage of Undergraduates Involved in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Discovery (engagement metric)
Engagement in “high impact practices” is associated with improved retention and post-graduation success. A component of this initiative (i.e., LAUNCH Student Ambassadors Program) facilitates students’ early connection with, and participation in, experiential learning as opportunities for hands-on training and individualized skills development.
Percentage of Underrepresented Minority Students (diversity/access metric)
Through the programming components of this initiative are expected to support all WSU undergraduates, we are particularly interested in their impact on minority and first-generation students. This focus is reflected in the development of specific elements of our intervention materials, decisions regarding implementation strategies, and consideration of certain student populations for program participation.