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Washington State University
Washington State University Office of the Provost

Faculty Mindfulness-Based Anti-Racism (MBAR) Communities

Equity and Inclusion Community

Mindfulness-Based Anti-Racism (MBAR) Communities:

The Office of the Provost invites faculty from across the WSU system to enroll in Mindfulness-Based Anti-Racism Communities.

Part 1:  The first installations of this experiential series will explore mindfulness-based strategies to foster engaged discussion related to complex topics such as intergroup anxiety and micro-aggressions while being mindful of the impact those topics/discussions might have on oneself and others. In part one of this two-part experience, we will be drawing upon research and the MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) model. This session focuses on developing strategies to identify and address micro-aggressions and helpful ways to approach uncomfortable topics in a workplace setting. Participants will also participate in mindfulness-based practices that promote greater connection, self-awareness, stress reduction, and compassion.

Part 2: This second installation of the series mindfully examines the impact of unconscious bias, anti-blackness, and racism-related stress in the workplace and the world. This training challenges participants to lean into how systemic racism is prevalent today and prepares them to interrogate their personal contributions to systems of oppression.

Part 3: In the third installation of the series, participants will investigate equitable approaches for engagement, decision making, and communication. The theme of this session is moving from self-care to community care. Participants will also learn the definition of anti-racism and how to actualize it. Finally, participants will be provided resources to teach others how to enact anti-racist best practices to be applied within oneself, organizations, and communities.

Faculty professional development related to diversity, equity, and inclusion will be explicitly acknowledged in annual review.

Register for MBAR