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Washington State University
Washington State University Office of the Provost

Text Messaging Policy

WSU seeks to communicate with students efficiently and effectively regarding matters that affect their health and safety, academic success, and other critical information.

Text messaging is viewed as a supplemental means of communication rather than a primary communication tool.

Please refer to Executive Policy #36 for full details regarding the Text Message Policy.


To request to use a systemic process or tool for text messaging purposes, the University entity must submit the following information to the Office of the Provost using the online Text Messaging Approval form, which requires the following information:

  • Name of the WSU entity distributing the message(s)
  • Description of the intended target audience (e.g., students on all campuses or specific campuses; all undergraduates, graduates, freshmen)
  • Reasons for sending text messages or using a text message campaign
  • Name of the tool or platform that will be used to send the message
  • Description of the opt in and opt out processes


WSU entity distributing the message: Office of the Provost – Student Services staff and faculty will use the Student Success Campus platform to generate text messages to students to remind them of critical deadlines related to student success, such as advising appointments and financial aid deadlines, as a means of supporting retention and reducing time to graduation.

Identify intended recipient group: All undergraduate students advised by WSU advisors.

Reasons for sending text messages: Support retention and reduce time to graduation.

Identify the tool or platform that will be used to send the message: Student Success Collaborative Campus

Articulate the opt in and opt out processes: Students opt in at registration, each term when they register for class. There will be information on the same page, as to the types of messages students may receive and from whom, as well as how to opt out at any time.


WSU entity distributing the message: Health and Wellness

Identify intended recipient group: All undergraduate students

Reasons for sending text messages: Students are indicating a need and interest in obtaining more health related information. Texting allows students to opt into short, targeted campaigns generating information of specific interest to the individual student.

Identify the tool or platform that will be used to send the message: Mobile Commons

Articulate the opt in and opt out processes: Students opt in by texting a telephone number received either via an email campaign, or in person meeting with Health and Wellness staff. Students may top out at any time by replying to a text requesting to be removed from the campaign.