Dear Faculty Colleagues,

I am pleased to share that WSU’s 2022 COACHE Survey Action Plan is available on the Provost’s Office website. As a reminder, the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) is a survey undertaken by hundreds of institutions across the nation in support of faculty success. I encourage you to read the results of the 2022 survey and action plan. Please also plan to participate in the 2024 COACHE survey that will be released in February.

My sincere thanks to Laura Hill (former senior vice provost), Doug Call (senior vice provost), and Catherine Cooper (Associate Dean for Faculty, College of Arts and Sciences) for stewarding this important process and creating the action plan that will serve as a roadmap for critical activities and improvements over the course of the next few years.

If you have questions about the plan or would like additional activities to be included in the catalog, please contact Doug Call at

Warm regards,

Elizabeth S. Chilton
Provost and Executive Vice President
Chancellor, WSU Pullman
Professor, Department of Anthropology