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Washington State University
Washington State University Office of the Provost

Engagement and Self-Care

The following workshops and trainings are available by request to all WSU departments and schools system-wide as well as academic leaders.  To schedule a dedicated session, please contact Trymaine Gaither (special assistant to the provost and executive vice president) at

Mindfulness Mondays: Weekly Drop-In Meditation

This class is designed for all, from beginners to those with an established practice, and will provide a chance to practice mindfulness meditation with others and to appreciate the many benefits.

Mindfulness Made Simple

This workshop draws upon scientific research and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) model to introduce simple, proven methods for increasing happiness and reducing suffering. Participants engage in mindfulness practices that enhance connection and resilience, even when facing life’s challenges. The session also explores strategies for engaging in discussions on complex topics such as racism and intergroup anxiety, with a focus on the mindful management of personal impacts.

Emotional Intelligence 101

This introductory workshop focuses on the critical aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Participants learn to apply these skills to improve their personal and professional relationships and to enhance leadership capabilities.

The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Designed for leaders at all levels, this workshop delves deeper into the application of emotional intelligence in leadership contexts. It covers strategies for leaders to foster an environment of communication and collaboration and to lead teams with empathy and effectiveness.

The Psychologically Safe Classroom

This session is tailored for educators and focuses on creating classrooms that are psychologically safe and supportive for all students. It includes strategies for addressing and reducing classroom anxieties and biases fostering an inclusive learning environment.

Framing Difficult Conversations Through Mindfulness

This workshop employs mindfulness practices to enhance self-awareness and the capacity to engage in difficult conversations with curiosity and kindness. It is mainly focused on addressing systemic racism, helping participants to recognize and work through the complexities of harm and injustice in a constructive and empathetic manner.

Mindful Self-Compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion training empowers individuals to cultivate personal well-being through self-care and boundary-setting. This workshop teaches participants to say “no” to harmful behaviors and external pressures and “yes” to nurturing their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Wellness Retreats for Units and Departments

These retreats provide a space for entire units or departments to step away from the daily stresses of the workplace and engage in activities that promote wellness, team cohesion, and overall job satisfaction. The retreats are customized to the needs of the group and include a range of activities, from mindfulness exercises to group discussions on wellness and professional fulfillment.