We are writing to remind you to reset your password for your WSU Network ID as soon as possible, and prior to October 27, if you have not done so since August 20, 2015. Resetting your password will help ensure the security of system access and will prevent you from encountering a service disruption when password resets are enforced, beginning October 27. Please also encourage others to reset their passwords prior to this date.

To change your password, open any browser and go to reset.wsu.edu for step by step instructions on how to reset your password.

Once you have reset your password, please be sure to also update your account information for wireless internet access and applications on your mobile devices. Failure to do so may result in your account being locked out due to multiple failed attempts to connect with your account.

If you need assistance, please contact your local department or area IT administrator. For additional information and assistance, contact CougTech at (509) 335-4357 or cougtech@wsu.edu.

Thank you for your attention to this important security matter.