LIFT Fellows helps faculty flourish
Todd MordhorstThe call is out for the second class of LIFT Fellows.
Faculty members from across the WSU system are encouraged to explore the LIFT (Learn. Inspire. Foster. Transform.) faculty development program on Jan. 23. A panel of LIFT fellows will discuss the faculty development program and their experiences at the event in CUE 518 at 3:30 p.m.
Last year, 54 faculty members took part in the inaugural program and gained tremendous techniques and insights they’re able to apply in their classrooms. The holistic approach to teaching encourages the development of values-based decision making, mindfulness and self-compassion, growth mindset and resiliency.
The LIFT Fellows program focuses on the implementation of pedagogical and behavioral innovations and implementations across the undergraduate curriculum with goals to support students’ academic success, increase their life skills and resilience, and transform their experience at WSU.
LIFT Fellows are part of the university-wide Transformational Change Initiative, a project funded by the 2016 strategic reallocation grants. Last year, LIFT drew participation from across the college and campus spectrum.
“It’s great to see faculty in STEM fields using this approach in their classrooms,” says Denise Yost, a co-principal investigator on the project. “We typically associate this sort of approach with the social sciences or humanities, but we have faculty in STEM applying the principles of the program in their classes and it’s really effective.”
Faculty are invited to apply for the LIFT Faculty Fellows program using the form on the website by Feb. 9. Register for the LIFT Fellows panel event on Jan. 23.